





  • 岩石河清理志愿者

    周六,加入威斯康星州多个社区,保护当地水资源, 9月21日上午8点开始.m. 到10岁.m. 注册成为一名志愿者. 免费提供t恤.

  • 秋季破梭子

    在秋季假期期间有班车服务到Van Gelder公交车站. 下车时间为10月11日至13日. 接机时间为10月19日至20日. 请报名参加一次 如果你需要交通工具到公共汽车站.

  • 写作中心开放辅导

    训练有素的 写作中心 同伴导师可以帮助所有学生完成任何写作任务的每个阶段或各个方面. 课程可以亲自参加(625 College St.)或通过视频会议. 安排你在写作中心的时间.


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这个页面可能是更多的我们的beloiter目前在校园里, 但你要知道,我们也一直想念着你. 希望你在这里看到的一切都能勾起你在校园的美好回忆.

如果你有兴趣回到校园,寻找 即将举行的校友活动 or 志愿者机会.

  • Featured Photo

    Many alumni fondly remember the Beloit Plan and its required Field Term that sent students off campus and around the world. This Beloit g...
    Many alumni fondly remember the Beloit Plan and its required Field Term that sent students off campus and around the world. This Beloit group is at the Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, Peru, circa 1970s.
  • Featured Photo

    The Basic Elmos' experiments with rocket sleds in Chapin Hall were inspired by a physics class. Seated is Len Pagliaro'76, with Phil Eric...
    The Basic Elmos’ experiments with rocket sleds in Chapin Hall were inspired by a physics class. Seated is Len Pagliaro’76, with Phil Erickson’76 and Andy Persily’76 at right.
  • Featured Photo

    Dr. Woodard, or 'The Chief,' as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. He exhibited enthusiasm, integrit...
    “Dr. Woodard, or ‘The Chief,’ as he was fondly known, was truly inspirational to his students. He exhibited enthusiasm, integrity, a deep knowledge of his subject, and a rare combination of caring for students while maintaining respect and admiration.” – Bruce Bartleson’56
  • Featured Photo

    Homecoming has always been a beloved tradition at Beloit. In addition to the parades and events, students would make house decorations we...
    Homecoming has always been a beloved tradition at Beloit. In addition to the parades and events, students would make house decorations were commonly placed in front of fraternities and sororities and vied to win contests.

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