May 12, 2024


On a picture-perfect spring day, an exuberant crowd of family, friends, 当毕业生们走过历史悠久的中级学院前的舞台时,伯洛伊特学院的社区成员为他们欢呼. 

一顶毕业帽,上面挂着一串照片,我的一切都归功于那些相信我的人 Credit: Andy Manis

Beneath a clear blue sky, 微风吹拂着舞台后面的横幅和旗帜, 该校校长埃里克·博因顿为2024届毕业生颁发了毕业证书,教务长唐娜·奥利弗在该校第174届毕业典礼上宣读了他们的名字.

First graduation ceremony of the Boynton era.

President Eric Boynton speaks to the crowd.

President Boynton addressed the Class of 2024, acknowledging their work, resilience, and perseverance, 鼓励他们“感受阳光的温暖”, 好好享受完成工作的成就感和满足感吧,你的未来一片光明.”

The class missed out on high school graduations, 来到伯洛伊特时,社交距离和口罩让建立联系变得比平时更困难. 随着事态的发展,同学们利用了它.

“你们应对了全球流行病的复杂性, online instruction, 新的社会和技术挑战——所有这些都是在弄清楚你是谁和你要去哪里的时候发生的. To sum it up, you crushed college.”

An inspiration to her peers.


Farah Tolu-Honary’24, of Freeport, Illinois, received the Martha Peterson Prize, 颁发给通过学术成就和对校园社区的积极贡献最能体现学院文科传统的大四学生.

A double major in international relations and French, with a minor in African studies 她以最优等的成绩毕业,获得了跨文化和法语语言技能 studying abroad 在摩洛哥和突尼斯,证明了自己是一位有成就的学者和研究人员. 她获得了几笔资助,包括去年夏天在塞内加尔进行的一项研究. She worked as a tutor at the Writing Center参加过法语项目,也曾出国留学,并担任过法语助教.

“She is an inspiration to her peers,” one of her professors says, “她在合作中慷慨大方,并善于驾驭充满挑战的局面.”


Blue Skies for genuine care and good cheer.


Students applauded as Franccesca Mamani’24 走到台上接受沃伦·米勒蓝天奖.

A high-achieving McNair Scholar and Student Excellence and Leadership (SEL) peer mentor, 第一代来自芝加哥的拉丁裔学生, Illinois, 给她在伯洛伊特所做的每一件事都带来了欢乐和真诚的关怀. 无论是在学术和教授之间,还是在友谊中, 作为一年级学生的导师,她一直是支持学生的支柱. 她令人振奋的存在激励着我们要真实,要善良,要追求卓越.

A double major in studio art and psychology她将前往约翰霍普金斯大学攻读心理学研究生.


Martu J. 24岁的科利在学生毕业典礼上致辞.

Student Commencement speaker Martu J. Kollie’24 回顾她在利比里亚最贫穷的社区之一长大后走向贝洛伊特的道路, West Africa, where educational opportunities are scarce, especially for girls.

She described Beloit as a home away from home, 也是一个“我可以建立终身友谊的地方”, explore my passions, and find my footing.” A double major in international relations and environmental studies, she also looked to the future, 鼓励她的毕业生们“带着勇气和信心拥抱未知”.”

She concluded, “是时候把文科付诸实践了,因为我们要优雅而坚韧地度过人生的曲折.”


Tennessee State Rep. Justin J. Pearson and Oceana R. Gilliam'17 speak to the crowd.

Commencement speakers Tennessee State Rep. Justin J. Pearson and Oceana R. Gilliam’17 他的演讲既感人又振奋人心,赢得了人群的欢呼. Pearson, 他在田纳西州众议院抗议枪支暴力后被开除,后来又复职了, is engaged to Gilliam, a Beloit College Trustee since 2021, and his chief of staff.

吉列姆首先承认,世界各地的人们正在遭受战争和不公正, “在这个庆祝的时刻,我们承受着喜悦和痛苦的紧张.她告诉毕业生们,伯洛伊特大学的教育为他们提供了与最优秀的人竞争所需的条件, 同时也承认前方将会有艰难的日子. 她指出,毕业典礼恰逢母亲节, and shared words of wisdom from her own mother, 让毕业生们放心,“困难和奋斗的时刻不会永远持续下去。, and you are enough.”

Rep. Pearson continued the refrain, his voice resounding across campus, 鼓励毕业生们帮助建立一个基于爱的正义运动, to heal and transform the world. 他提醒毕业生们,你们并不孤单, “because you are enough, we are enough.”


After the ceremony, graduates congregated with their families, professors, and friends, 作为十大菠菜台子的校友,在离开校园之前,我很高兴能在阳光下度过最后一个下午.


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